SiriusCreations' trip to USA 2010: 11 September 2010.

Chicago, IL

The moring was a bit rainy but in the end the sun came. Tomorrow's forecast more sun and clear sky. Here a selection of pictures I took today.

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Name Message

13 September 2010 10:05
WOW... you took so many great shots!!!
So many different kinds of architecture. I love those photos where there are at least 3 or 4 different styles. Nice work as always.
So many sailboats! my goodness. Can you imagine them all out on a sunny day in July!? Whoa.


13 September 2010 12:28
and I thought Rotterdam had big buildings, bridges and fountains....


14 September 2010 18:01
Awesome, awesome photos, Siri!! They are the best I have ever seen of Chicago. And you even caught a bit of TJoe's building. ;)


16 September 2010 20:56
Wow, so many pictures it's almost like I've been there too. I like the building with the cars in it. And I've never seen so big a fountain before!


25 September 2010 13:22
I see "transformers 3" didn't leave much damage to the city.
Gotta be a boring movie I presume.

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